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Folder Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation


INVSTR037 Waiting in cash until share markets fall (521 words)


This article uses a case study to demonstrate the strategy of holding in cash and waiting for market opportunities (or volatility) before investing. It demonstrates the key benefits as well as consequences and urges clients to seek professional advice from a qualified financial planner.

INVSTR035 The benefits of investment diversification (420 word)s)


This article explains the importance of diversifying investments across asset classes and simple ways to achieve investment diversification.

INVSTR034 All assets are not the same (429 words)


This article explains the different asset classes. It covers cash, fixed interest, shares, property, and alternative assets. It is a good general education article to help your clients understand asset allocation in their investment portfolio.

INVSTR033 The power of "average" (477 words)


This is an interesting article about the need to be prepared for market volatility. It discusses that sound investments recover over time and emphasises the need for diversification. It includes a 10-year investment return table.


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