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Folder Financial Definitions

Financial Definitions

These articles can be used to help your clients understand popular financial jargon.


FINDEF018 Demystifying loan jargon (579 words)


This article explains some of the most commonly used loan and banking terms. Although many clients may seek advice from a broker or their bank before taking out a loan, having a basic understanding of these terms will ensure increased confidence before signing on the dotted line.

FINDEF016 What do the financial headlines really mean? (516 words)


Headlines are designed to grab the readers’ attention and sell news but often don’t accurately reflect the content of the article. Financial headlines can result in misinformation and investor panic. This article explains why it’s important to seek professional financial advice before hitting the panic button.

FINDEF015 Demystifying finance (368 words)


This article clearly explains some of the more commonly used financial terms, including investment and lending terminology.


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