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Folder Special Feature

Special Feature

Longer articles designed to be used as a special newsletter or blog edition. They are intentionally more in-depth to demonstrate your expertise in a particular area.


SFA050 10 Common Financial Myths BUSTED! (824 words)


In this article, we debunk ten common financial myths to empower you to make informed decisions, achieve financial stability, and grow your wealth.

SFA049 2024-25 Federal Budget Recap (797 words)

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Highlights from the 2024-25 Federal Budget delivered by the Treasurer on Tuesday 14 May 2024.

SFA047 Foundations of a wealthy lifestyle (891 words)


The next generation of investors are here and they’re keen to take on life and begin their journey toward financial security. This article explores several proven tips for laying the foundation for a wealthy future.

SFA045 Preparing for retirement in uncertain times (710 words)


This article describes options for building wealth before retirement, particularly in this volatile economic environment. It starts with the relatively safer but low yielding options then explains three alternatives which may offer potentially higher returns.

SFA043 Renting in Retirement: Is it possible? (833 words)


As the cost of housing continues to rise in Australia, particularly in across the country's capital cities, retirees are becoming more likely to rent throughout retirement. And if retirees aren't renting, they may end up willing on an asset to beneficiaries that is not free of debt. This article compares the average incomes of Australian retirees and analyses how renting may impact their retirement lifestyle.

SFA041 10 common financial mistakes before retirement (1055 words)


This article addresses an important topic highlighting 10 common mistakes people make as they get closer to retirement. It recommends seeking professional advice.

SFA040 Everything you wanted to know about buying a home (1411 words)


This is an in-depth view of what’s involved in buying a home. It answers 12 questions starting with preparing (budgeting) to borrow through to explaining interest rates and a calculation to show what portion of a loan is taken up by interest.

SFA039 Super in your 60s. It's still not too late! (627 words)


This article follows on from the earlier “super through the ages” series. With more Australians working (and living) for longer, it outlines ways to make the most of the final years in the workforce to boost super.

SFA038 Not ready to retire? This might be another option. (655 words)


This article focuses on buying an established business (as opposed to starting one) later in life and provides a no-nonsense list of questions potential/early retirees should address if considering this option. It addresses using superannuation to purchase a business, with a focus on seeking professional guidance throughout the process.

SFA037 Life can change in an instant (1116 words)


This article tells a story that, sadly, is more common for many Australian families than it should be – the long-term after effects of underinsurance. It not only details the financial consequences but the impacts on the health and social welfare of those left behind when the key breadwinner dies. Figures and statistics substantiate this unnecessary pattern.

SFA036 Super in your 50s. It's time to push the pedal down! (640 words)


The last article in the series of super through the generations explains what to do to improve super balances in potentially the last decade before having to rely on it. It covers salary sacrificing, TTR, investment focus and insurance, and a recommendation to seek professional advice soon.

SFA035 Super in your 40s. It's time to get focused. (726 words)


This third article in the 4-part series on superannuation through the generations calculates how much will be needed for retirement in 20 years, how to increase the balance, salary sacrifice vs paying off mortgage, government contributions, and insurance through super.

SFA034 Super in your 30s. It's important to squeeze it in (655 words)


This is the second article in the 4-part series on superannuation through the generations. It covers super for the short and long term, options to increase the balance, how much might be needed to retire on in 30 years’ time and ways to achieve it, and insurance through super.

SFA031 When love blossoms later in life - the financial implications (1110 words)


This article identifies some of the financial issues that your senior-aged clients need to be aware of when starting a new relationship later in life. Adult children may also be affected by their parents’ decisions.

SFA028 Wealth protection through the ages (1294 words)


This detailed article explains how life insurance applies to: young singles, young couples, young families, pre-retirees, and retirees. It explains the different types of insurance, what it covers and each stage includes a story to make it more real. The article can be used in full as a special feature on insurance or broken down into a series of messages on wealth protection.

SFA026 Tap into the amazing power of compounding (633 words)


This is an excellent and detailed explanation of the power of compound interest to boost wealth. It also explains the effect of tax and inflation. The article uses a simple example to outline how compounding works and finishes with a call to action to seek advice.

SFA023 A guide for planning for aged care (835 words)


 When the time comes to consider aged care, where do you start, what options do you have and will you be able to afford it? This feature article gives details of what type of care is available, to whom and how much it costs. It encourages your readers to start planning for this final stage of life earlier rather than later.

SFA022 Taking care of business (774 words)


This article highlights some key threats to business that many business owners forget about or don’t get around to addressing adequately – internal fraud, inability to work and disaster management. It touches on insurance cover but focuses on issues that are not normally thought about or dealt with.

SFA020 Living your dream retirement (701 words)


This article looks at how much a client needs to save to live their retirement dream and the importance of getting financial advice to ensure they’re on track. It shows the current age pension rates compared to the income required to achieve a "comfortable" retirement by ASFA standards.

SFA019 Hitting an insurance home run (1036 words)


Using a baseball analogy, this article provides a detailed description of the main forms of insurance – income protection, life, TPD, trauma and general insurance. Insurance inside super is also covered. Excellent to use as a special feature on insurance.

SFA012 Superannuation and new cars are very similar! (810 words)


This article uses the analogy of buying a new car to choosing a superannuation fund. It makes this often-confusing decision a lot easier for your clients to understand – and a bit of fun.

SFA008 Home is where the heart is - please protect it (984 words)


This feature article explains the benefits of protecting a home and contents with the appropriate insurance and what type of cover is available. This is a timely topic, particularly when natural disasters have increased premiums to the point that many Australians are reducing or foregoing insurance. It reminds your readers that not insuring or under-insuring their homes could greatly affect their financial plans if their property is damaged or destroyed.

SFA007 Superannuation: making the right choice (917 words)


This feature article details all of the options to take into account before changing super funds. It suggests investigation into investment options, fees, insurance, range of services, etc, and then offers action steps for each point. It can be used as a detailed checklist and action plan for your clients to review their super fund.

SFA006 What is your concept of retirement? (797 words)


This feature article identifies some innovative activities for retirement to inspire your clients to get their financial plan working for them so they can enjoy what retirement can offer. Its message is that life doesn’t end when work ends.


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