Federal Budget Summary
Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has delivered the Labor Government’s first Federal Budget since being elected earlier this year.
This summary article outlines the key measures contained within including low-cost housing, childcare spending and pharmaceutical price relief, and discusses the major winners and losers.
SFA046 Federal Budget Summary October 2022 (626 words)
A sudden uptick in the unemployment rate and slower economic growth combined with continued strong inflationary pressures are set to test the Australian economy during the next two years, according to the Federal Government’s 2022 October Budget.
While record commodity prices and higher Government revenues have provided some relief reducing the annual budget deficit from $78 billion to $36.9 billion, the economic outlook remains uncertain.
Government spending will continue to outpace revenue with Canberra doing little to address the long-term structural difficulties contained within the budget, despite trying to restrain spending in order to limit inflationary pressures within the economy.
Perhaps more importantly is the very real possibility that the Australian economy could tip into recession next year with unemployment set to spike at 5.5 per cent while economic growth is expected to slow to just 1.5 per cent.
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