5 steps to your best year yet in 2024!
Many of our clients have told us that they're not taking holidays over this Christmas/New Year break because they'd prefer to use this "quiet time" to plan ahead for the next 12 months.
It prompted us to explain a simple process that will give you a headstart in your 2024 preparations.
Take these simple steps to develop and implement a strong communication strategy so you can enjoy time off during 2024 and your business will keep growing in your absence...
Getting Back to Basics - Key steps for marketing your business
Step 1:
Identify your main strengths. This can be a unique service, niche market, package or offer. Describe every aspect of it. (If you think you have already done this, do it again - it will plant it firmly in your mind so you can apply the next steps.)
Step 2:
From these strengths, position yourself. Establish your core message – know what you are delivering. Identify a REAL difference. Be bold!
Step 3:
Profile your ideal client. Who will you focus your message on? Who will benefit the most from using your service? Who are your best clients? What do they 'look' like? What are their key attributes?
Step 4:
Present your message clearly, attractively, and communicate it well... there is no good in being a great adviser if nobody knows it! Use appropriate communication tools to regularly get your message in front of your target market by sharing relevant and interesting content. (Having access to all of the content in the Financial Content Library gives you a great headstart. Distributing it on your blog, via email and social media is easy too - ask us how!)
Step 5:
Finally - test and measure, test and measure. What is working and what isn’t? Massage your message and delivery regularly but don’t stop. Monitor the results and watch your business grow.
It’s the same as what you'd tell your clients – do the work upfront, implement the plan, monitor regularly and reap the benefits.
Merry Planning!
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