Email is still your most powerful marketing tool

E newsletter exampleIt's official - internet usage is now classed as an addiction. Internet Addictive Disorder afflicts people of all ages and backgrounds with many signing up for "digital detox" programs to help them kick the habit. Holiday destinations promote "device-free" environments so their guests can escape the world and their screens.

In short, millions of people across the world rely on electronic media to get through their days (and for many, their nights too). Whoever said email marketing was dying must live on another planet, because, here on Earth, digital communication is an important part of everyday life.

Let these enormous figures speak for themselves...

In 2017, on average 269 BILLION emails were exchanged on a DAILY basis! And this is expected to increase to more than 319 billion each day by 2021! The strongest growth is in business emails, as personal communication tends to be more popular via social media channels.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that Australia is up there with the most internet users on the planet. Over 86% of households are connected.

This means there are millions of people, especially those with disposable income, who wouldn’t dream of not accessing their email several times per day. Email may still be the greatest – and most affordable - marketing tool available. If you aren’t using it, you are missing out on huge potential.

There is no doubt that social media is an excellent way to gain business exposure, but the reality is that an email is more targeted. When written well, emails tend to hold the user’s attention for longer periods of time, and have a greater probability of the message lasting longer than a tweet or post.

If you use email in the right way, it may well be the secret to your marketing success.

How to use email marketing the "right way"

Nobody wants to receive emails that have no value, which is why there is a folder called “junk mail” in your mailbox. Flooding an inbox with useless information and promotions will do nothing but ensure your message is directed straight to the "trash”. If, however, you devise emails that are informative, relational or add value to the recipient, then you have an excellent likelihood of increased traffic driven to your website or enquiries to your office.

The key is to make your emails targeted, well-written, interesting and catchy.  

The window that you have to gain interest and focus is minuscule so you must engage your readers immediately with an influential (yet truthful) subject line, then entice their eyes further with an intriguing first paragraph, or you are going to lose them.

Give your readers something they want

This is where education-based marketing is best used. Teaching your readers something valuable that will help them understand more about their financial planning needs instead of a sales pitch for your services. A regular e-newsletter is a simple yet powerful way to speak directly to clients and potential clients with the intention of sharing your knowledge to help them. A short call to action message placed at the end of each article lets the reader decide if they want more.

Tailored to their needs

This is the best part - all professional e-news programs now allow you to see what your clients read in your newsletter giving you the data necessary to captivate them in the future.

By leveraging the power of tracking reports you will know what your clients are most interested in. This gives you the opportunity to tailor future messages, making it easier to address their ongoing needs.

Make it easy

Lastly, make sure that your email looks professional and is reader-friendly, particularly on mobile devices (more than 60% of emails are opened on mobiles). That includes using mobile-friendly tools and formatting; a must not only for your search engine ranking but the convenience of your readers.

When used correctly, email can be the greatest client communication tool at your disposal, helping you to deliver relevant financial content that, with the click of a button, can be shared with your clients’ friends and families. Word-of-mouth remains one of the most effective ways to attract new clients, which is why email is not a tool of the past, but very much one of the future.

And you already have access to all the content you need for your email marketing campaign right here in the library!

Best wishes,

Julianne Pott
Managing Director

Email Statistics Report, 2017-2021
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2014-15 (released 18/2/2016)
Litmus “Email Analytics” (March 2016) via


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