Download Instructions
How to download content for your use anywhere, anytime...
To download a file from the library you must first log in:
- Click on the “Log in” button (top of screen);
- Type in your email address and the password you chose when you signed up;
- Read and accept the disclaimer;
- You now have full access.
Using the library:
There are 4 options to locate and download content:
- Download and save the Content Index and locate chosen content by typing the corresponding code into the Search field. (This index is updated weekly and you must log in first to download it.)
- Scroll down through the Content Categories to view all of the listings under each category (these correlate with the Content Index).
- Choose from the latest content list – this displays the 10 most recent entries.
- Type words into the Search field. Please note that this will search through every file description (not the article itself) and provide you with every piece in which the word/s appears.
There are more answers to Frequently Asked Questions if you need further direction.
If you do find something that doesn’t sound correct, please email it to us here and we will check it for you.
Forgotten your password?
Please note that once you begin this process, you must complete it in the same session, otherwise the system will lock you out.
- Click on “Log in” button (top of screen) then click on “Forgot your password?” link in the log in box. Type in your email address and submit. You will receive an email with a long verification code. Click on the link provided in the email. (The new screen should already have the verification code in the correct field, if not simply copy and paste it from the email.)
- Type in your username and submit.
- Create a new, secure password. Keep this safe otherwise you will have to repeat this process.
- Once you have created your new password, just type in your login details and you can immediately access the library.
Downloading tips:
To save you duplicating downloads; always choose to save the document instead of opening it. Duplicating downloads will eat into your download allocation. When downloading infographics, save the file first and then hit “back” to return to the library site.
Ensuring this service continues to meet your needs
Our intention is to ensure this resource grows with your needs. Although this is not a tailored writing service, we are always interested in hearing your ideas for new articles. Please send your suggestions to us via our contact form.