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Karen Turner

Karen Turner

I rather accidentally fell in to a financial services role in October 1987 – a month that still rattles hardened fund managers – and I had no idea what I was in for! But I was immediately hooked on the dynamism and excitement.

Discovering an early passion for financial services, I attained my Affiliate Diploma with the Australian Insurance Institute, completed DFP1 & DFP2, Unit Trust Administration 1 and 2 (both with the Securities Institute) and innumerable other courses.

Twenty-odd years later and this fabulous industry has enabled me to work in Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and across Australia, with large fund managers, banks and software developers.

Taking my education to different realms, I then completed studies in literary editing and achieved Certificate III in Applied Languages. Combining Certificate IV in Training and Assessment with Adult Learning and Course Design, I added the development of financial training material and technical documentation to my repertoire.

Financial writing can be intense, so I began winding down on weekends writing fictional prose – a somewhat revealing comment about my social life, perhaps? Much of my work won literary awards – of which I’m quite proud – which led to my first published book, All That and Everything. My first novel Torn was published in 2013 followed by the sequel Inviolate in April 2014. Both are available at bookstores or Amazon. My third book is due to be published in 2019. Meanwhile, I retain an avid interest in the financial world and I am very excited to be a part of Financial Writers Australia.

I live in beautiful Bandiana (near Wodonga) with my husband and two cats, where I can be found reading, jogging – or pecking away at my keyboard.


  • Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Affiliate Diploma with the Australian Insurance Institute
  • Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training

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